V7Sins is a VTuber Team based on the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins, with one member to represent each sin. Our core goal is to form a safe, diverse and inclusive joint community.۩❦۩¤═══¤ ➐ ¤═══¤۩❦۩
Work in Progress

Pride ⭒ @Mochimooz
A multiversal mongoose prideful of every single success streaming community games, horror games and art.
Greed ⭒ @GunkPup
Greedy, toxic sludge dog and casual kleptomaniac streaming fun games, horror games and art.
Lust ⭒ @InkcubusVT
An incubus streaming art, co-working and the occasional game to feed his (and your) lust in various forms.
Envy ⭒ @MoriLeaf
Silly and mischievous bat streaming variety games; though there's envy behind those eyes, her heart is pure.
Gluttony ⭒ @IllumiJay
A gluttonous vampire with a never-ending appetite for blood streaming the occasional silly game but mostly horror games.
Wrath ⭒ @Baphomutie
A calm yet wrathful baphomet streaming co-op games and horror games; this goat is also a voice actress and singer.
Sloth ⭒ @Fogholder
Psychopomp for gamers streaming cute/gothic indie games and various arts when not battling or indulging in sloth.

Moderators & Artists

We are in no way affiliated with religion, either for or against.

@usernameV7Sins is a VTuber Team based on the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins, with one member to represent each sin. Our core goal is to form a safe, diverse and inclusive joint community.

@usernameV7Sins is a VTuber Team based on the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins, with one member to represent each sin. Our core goal is to form a safe, diverse and inclusive joint community.

@usernameV7Sins is a VTuber Team based on the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins, with one member to represent each sin. Our core goal is to form a safe, diverse and inclusive joint community.

@usernameV7Sins is a VTuber Team based on the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins, with one member to represent each sin. Our core goal is to form a safe, diverse and inclusive joint community.

@usernameV7Sins is a VTuber Team based on the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins, with one member to represent each sin. Our core goal is to form a safe, diverse and inclusive joint community.

@usernameV7Sins is a VTuber Team based on the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins, with one member to represent each sin. Our core goal is to form a safe, diverse and inclusive joint community.

@usernameV7Sins is a VTuber Team based on the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins, with one member to represent each sin. Our core goal is to form a safe, diverse and inclusive joint community.